Tuesday, 30 September 2014
Confessions from a Raincouverite
Sometimes when it is pouring rain, I am secretly delighted because I can bust out my "rain check?" umbrella... And my riding boots... Or my wellies :)
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
Kiwi's Blog
Tonight, the nice man who buys me all my food, shavings and toys... And generally leaves me alone, is coming home from his work trip. Maybe he can save me from the crazy hedgehog lady!! I mean sure the nice man gets all up in my face but it's only because the crazy hedgehog lady always takes me out of my cage when I am in my deepest slumber ALL THE TIME. I don't think she understands that I need at least 22.5 hours of sleep per day!!
She's been leaving me alone the past few days but I know my luck is bound to run out soon....
The nice man has been gone for a few days now and we miss him!!!
Until next time,
Kiwi-Keys Chaos
Kiwi-Keys Chaos
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Manic Monday
So on Sunday, I had a really late lunch (3pm) that by the time dinner time rolled around, I wasn't hungry.
Well, I woke up on Monday with a terrible headache. I had 4 tylenol at work and it didn't help. I had granola bars and lunch throughout the day and I was still starving/nauseous. I met up with Najin and Amanda for sushi after work and I had a giant dinner (the dinner combo) and I started to feel normal again... but it was so hot at the restaurant I seriously thought I was going to throw up!! After dinner, we stopped by Najin's new place - SO AWESOME!! They moved into their brand new apartment a few weeks ago and everything is so brand new sparkly clean! Can't wait to see it again after they've settled in/unpacked/nested.
I got home around 8pm last night, took two more tylenol... played with my Kiwi-Keys and still couldn't shake the "omg I need to throw up" feeling. NOTE: TMI TIME! So I threw up. /TMI TIME. I felt a little bit better but ultimately just decided to pass out since keeping my eyes open/having light anywhere near me was making me feel sick.
I woke up a few times through the night - one time I heard Kiwi running and her wheel was rubbing up against something (she probably shoved a rock underneath it... again!!) but I was too lazy to get up to quiet her down.
Anyway, so I woke up bright and early today. I decided to treat myself to a Starbucks breakfast. No more skipping meals for me.. EVER
Side note: I'm sure I've wrote previous blogs about getting migraines due to skipping meals... Guess I will never learn!! :P
Sunday, 21 September 2014
Last weekend of summer
After the rain, rain and more rain on Thursday and Friday, this weekend did not disappoint in the weather department! It was 25+ degrees on both days! Woo hoo!!
I went to PiYo. I missed last week's class because we were at Whistler... so my legs are a little bit sore today... Ugh!!
After PiYo, we went to Kia in Vancouver to get the car serviced (first oil change, etc). Kia Vancouver's service was beyond TERRIBLE. I don't want to get into it, but let's just say, management will be receiving a strongly worded email from me very, very soon!
After wasting over two hours at Kia, we finally escaped and we headed to a Halloween store on Broadway to get ideas on what we want to be for Halloween... then we went to Legacy so that Bobby could stock up on craft beer.. then we went home to have a lovely steak dinner :)
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I took this pic of Kiwi napping yesterday. Such a little cutie!! |
Bobby left for a work trip. I pretty much lounged all day. I cleaned up the apartment, watched Gossip Girl (I watched a season or so when it first came out and I casually watch it on Netflix now and then) and finally painted my nails my favorite dark colour ever! I try not to paint my nails this colour in the summer because I feel like summer is more the bright coral and neon colours... so this colour is perfect for tomorrow, the first day of fall!
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OPI's Linkin Park After Dark |
Okay I can hear Kiwi awake and scratching in her cage. I must go play with her now ;)
Friday, 19 September 2014
Caffe Citadella Fridays
The best part about getting coffee from Caffe Citadella is that I get to eat chocolate for breakfast.
Note: no picture of chocolate included because it had already been consumed.
Monday, 15 September 2014
Whistler weekend...
We went to Whistler over the weekend for Whistler Craft beer festival. Well, technically, the guys went for the beer, Ja and I hung around in the village with Luca. Bobby and I left around 9am on Saturday (quick pit stop at Caffe Divano for a couple of Americanos... and then at Squamish for a pee break), and we were at our hotel just after 11am. We weren't able to check in yet, so we wandered around the village and had lunch. Luckily, we left pretty early because Brad-Ja-Luca ended up getting stuck in traffic (there were a couple of accidents along the way later on in the afternoon) so we were lucky and we missed these completely.
After Bobby and Brad went into the festival, Ja and I took Luca to the park. Fun times, "riding the boat" and "climbing a tree house". Then we went for ice cream (mmm ice cream!). Side note: I think I am becoming lactose intolerant... so dairy makes my stomach hurt. I've stopped eating cereal and drinking lattes due to discomfort. But let's face it, if there is ever a time I am going to suffer for dairy, it will only be because I ate ice cream!! :) Anyway, after ice cream, we wandered the village aimlessly. Luca had to burn off the sugar he ate. He led us in circles around the village (we stopped to look at flowers, and fire truck and a "waterfall"). Luca was adorable, right after seeing the waterfall, he would randomly stop in front of people sitting down to let them know how he saw the waterfall. Cuteness overload! After wandering aimlessly, we went back to my hotel room (they hadn't checked in yet) to relax and get some a/c. The beer festival finished soon after that so we went for dinner. The guys got a 5$ off coupon at select restaurants at the festival... and unfortunately, we ended up at the GLC. They seriously have the worst food in Whistler. I have only been a total of two times, and both times I have been let down. All the other restaurants were busy so we had no choice... We got to the GLC and they weren't busy at all... which just goes to show how terrible their food is.
Anyway, so that was Saturday. Sunday, I felt like crap (women issues). Bobby and I had a quick breakfast at Starbucks and then we went home. At the Starbucks closest to the gondolas, I FINALLY found these glass tumblers (all the stores in Vancouver I have been into only sell the plastic ones). So I bought two, one for me and one for Bobby, who did not want to be left out without one.
It took less than two hours to get home because there was no traffic. I really wanted to get home early to clean up/grocery shop/do boring adult things in preparation for the work week to come.
We left the village around 9:20 and got home around 11am. I went to check up on Kiwi and she was cold and border line hibernating. Little miss not so fatty anymore has really started to slim down ever since no longer having to share her wheel. Anyway, she's back to normal now...
Happy Monday!!
Sunday, 14 September 2014
Monday, 8 September 2014
Even though I was tired from hiking... I could not fall asleep last night. I don't know why. It was really hot and humid so I had the fan going.. around 1am, I was so delirious from lack of sleep that I wasn't even sure if I hadn't fallen asleep at all or if I was just having really restless sleep. I have been reading A Game of Thrones and watching Real Housewives of NJ and I just could not stop thinking about those two things while trying really hard to fall asleep. Note to self: don't read about the barbaric customs of Westeros or watch vapid women live their fake lives before trying to sleep. It's going to be a tea plus two coffee kind of day.
Sunday, 7 September 2014
Face masking
I've been really into face (and hair masks) lately... And after my sweat filled weekend (PiYo yesterday and a hike today which involved a potential black bear sitting by other hikers), a face mask is much deserved tonight ;)
PiYo yesterday was awesome. I've finally gotten to a point where I can really push myself in PiYo and not hurt for two days after. Woohoo! Progress! I plan on signing up for more PiYo classes on Mondays as well.
The hike today was also fun. We did a hike that was a 5 minute drive from our house and it was really easy (not too much incline). It even had an awesome waterfall at the end. It took us 50 minutes to get to the water fall (the hike was estimated to be two hours round trip by Parks Canada). Anyway.. so on the way back, we're just casually strolling back to the car.. saying hello to the lovely people and their dogs walking by us... About 15 minutes from the waterfall, a family of a three stops to say "be careful. we saw a black bear about 10-15 minutes that way". I immediately panic lol. Bobby pulls out his bear spray and hunting knife (just in case!) and we start speed walking back to the car. Well, I start speed walking back - Bobby remains calm. Thankfully, we didn't run into the spotted bear (or any bear!!) but we made it back to the car in 40 minutes! And it was a longgggg trail back. Happy to report we were not eaten by bears today :)
Saturday, 6 September 2014
Tu(tu) and a half!!!
Kiwi is two and a half today!! I forced her to wear one of her many tutus for this pic and she was not too happy about it so I gave her a treat to make her chill out.
Thursday, 4 September 2014
Kit Kat taste test
Firstly, Happy September! The early mornings and late nights are definitely a lot colder - its dropping down to 9 degrees overnight - fall is near.
Secondly, my phone camera lens is all scratched up (oops, second phone I've done this to) so all future photos will not be the best...
Anyway, so at working this morning, I'm sitting at my desk, minding my own business, when a coworker comes by and says "Did you see how someone left this in the kitchen?". I look up and she's holding a bowl FULL of Kit Kats! We're talking full sized Kit Kats here (not the tiny Halloween sized ones). They were all peanut butter and hazelnut. Now, I don't like peanut butter, so I grabbed a hazelnut. And because I am so awesome, I asked Bobby if he wanted one too, so I ended up grabbing a peanut butter one as well...
So anyway, we did a taste test when I got home (dessert before dinner - we are adults so we are allowed!). The hazelnut one was AMAZING!!! The peanut butter was only okay
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