Sunday 23 February 2014

Go Canada go!!!

Day 316

And so it's the end of another Olympics. To be honest, I wasn't into this year's Olympics. Maybe it's cause the last winter Olympics were in Vancouver... Maybe it's because it was in Russia and it wasn't right to support a country who refused their own citizens basic human rights? But at the end of the day, all the athletes deserve our support for their lifetime of hardcore training for a chance to perform in their sport. Plus, let's face it, Canada won a bunch of medals to start and it was very hard to not get into it!!

The gold medal game was due to start at 4am. Last night around ten pm, we bought some beer (Molson Canadian) and then some some Timbits for our Canadian themed hockey party at my brothers. I hit the hay around 11 pm and my alarm was set for 3 am. We left our place around 3:50 and walked to my brothers carrying all of stuff in the (wet) snow.

Team Canada did not disappoint us! They won 3-0. The Olympics are a little hard to watch when it comes to hockey. Of course I am cheering for Canada 100% but since there are so many Canucks playing for other countries, you feel a little bad when they lose... in saying that, sorry Daniel Sedin and Alex Edler ;)

Early morning (or is it super late evening?) brew

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