Tuesday 27 May 2014

No buy June

I've decided to cut myself off from shopping for the entire month of June. I will only allow myself to buy necessities (train/transit tickets, food, bath stuff, gifts - father's day and my bro's bday). I will not allow myself to buy clothes, make up, nail polish etc. I bought a lot of new clothes in May... Plus we are going to Portland in July... And I know im going to spend a ton of money in Portland... Therefore, no buy June came into existence.
It's a good thing I got the email for the limited edition Calvin Klein world cup of soccer undies while it's still May!! My Italian stallion gets a pair of Italia skivvies :)


  1. Haha, well I lasted until last Friday... I bought Kiwi a new toy... then on Sunday I bought a new lamp... At least I'm not buying clothes or nail polish.. yet ;)
