Sunday 1 March 2015

The 60 Day PiYo Challenge

I picked up the Beach Body 60 day PiYo Challenge through a local Beach Body Coach recently and am finally starting the challenge today! I actually received the DVDs late last week, but the OCD with me wanted to start on the first of the Month... luckily for me, the first of March was just a few days away ;)

Side note, if you live in Vancouver, and don't have a Beach Body Coach, please buy your products through Stephen Lazar - he helped expedite my DVDs. I received my DVDs one week after placing my order when normally it should take at least 2 weeks! Also, Beach Body is an American Company... and since the Canadian dollar is pretty low, I bought everything in Canadian funds through Stephen.. so there wasn't a huge shock in the end (eg: spend 60$ USD today, get charged 39420472947$ CAD by your credit card company tomorrow).

The numbers break down:
I bought the DVDs for 65.95$ and with shipping (19.95$) and tax, it came to just over 95$. The set comes with 4 DVDs with all the different work outs, a measuring tape (so you can record your progress), a work out calendar showing you the order you should be doing your workouts in, a nutrition info booklet, etc.

What is PiYo?
PiYo is a combination of pilates and yoga. I would describe PiYo as holding yoga poses and repeating the motions as you would in pilates. It can get pretty intense because at first, you hold the poses for a longer period of time... then with each repetition, the movements become more fluid (eg: you are holding the poses for less time, making each pose flow more smoothly into the next pose.. etc), 

Why PiYo?
I have been doing PiYo for about 5 months now, but I just recently got really into it because I have noticed the changes. I am definitely stronger and more lean than I was last summer...but I am not as lean as I would like to be. I currently go to Move and Groove Fitness in Coquitlam and I cannot recommend Kim more for PiYo classes. She teaches PiYo on Mondays and Saturdays and she is so upbeat and her classes are always intense, but FUN. When I first started doing PiYo, I would seriously be in so much pain for like two or even THREE days after class - no joke. But because PiYo you do yoga poses and stretches in class, I find that even if I am a little bit sore, the stretching helps ease my muscle aches! What I like most about PiYo is that it is very low impact. In Kim's class, we do some cardio but it's never too intense that I feel like I need to throw up. You should never feel like you need to faint after working out - I know some people may like that feeling, but that is definitely not for me. 

I plan on still going to Kim's classes while doing the 60 day PiYo Challenge! To avoid confusion, I wrote out the work outs and intermixed the days I will be attending Kim's class in my official PiYo Journal (PS; I bought this journal a year ago for wedding planning and never really ended up using it). I decided to skip the "rest days", which is every Friday. I will just skip days if needed. 

Bobby will be joining my on this challenge on the days when he is not away for work/he wants to participate... so wish us luck! I will be sure to blog our results along the way and do one final blog at the end of my challenge.. which by the way works out to 63 days straight.. so give or take a few days off, I should have a full update by mid May.

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