Tuesday 5 November 2013

Beouf avec Shoppers!!

Day 206

I went to Shoppers today on my lunch break because I needed to pick up some allergy medicine. I specifically went to Shoppers because I have 30$ worth of Optimum points that I wanted to use in lieu of my own money. So I picked up my Reactine and I handed over my coupon and I told the cashier that I wanted to redeem my points. Sooo, she redeems my points and then tells me that because I spent less than 30$, I would have to forfeit the balance (1.66$ which is negligible really) OR I could buy something else. I asked if I could get the balance on a gift card instead - apparently not, which is the most bizarre thing ever! I mean seriously! How hard is it to redeem my points onto a gift card, and then use my gift card for a purchase (LIKE ALL THE OTHER STORES WITH POINTS CARDS DO)? I don't know if the lady was just confused, lazy, stupid, whatever. In any case, I opted to wander the store some more in order to exceed 30$ for this purchase.. and because I am PMS-ing, I ended up buying Doritoes.... UGHHHH

PS, and now the whole world knows that my French is comparable to a that of a 2 year olds ;)

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