Friday 1 November 2013


Day 201 a day late!

Yesterday was a day filled with candy and costumes!

My work was having a Halloween potluck. A few people dressed up. I wore a frilly dress with red tights and a red masquerade mask... some of my coworkers went all out though! We even had our very own rag doll. She was kinda creepy looking (dolls are creepy) but hands down, I think she won the best costume award ;). For lunch, a few coworkers transformed our kitchen into Halloween mode.. and people brought in food to share... so I had pizza, the best pulled pork tacos, cheese and crackers and veggies and dip. SO YUMMY!!!

I got off work at 5 and Bobby came and got me for round two of Halloween fun!

The plan was to go to Bobby's coworker Patricks' house to hand out candy while he and his wife took their two kids (and their friends!) out trick or treating. They live in this super awesome gigantic complex which was so perfect for trick or treating! We handed out candy for an hour and a half or so... lots of kids came by!! Saw lots of costumes.. oh yea, people were pretty impressed with our Portal costumes (mainly the guns). I was pretty impressed that a lot of kids knew the video game since Portal is actually a strategy game where you have to solve puzzles in order to move on in the game (laymen's terms: the game can be pretty hard). Our first fan was a kid who looked like he was 5 or 6 years old. His jaw literally dropped when he saw the guns. We ran into him AGAIN and his jaw dropped... AGAIN. Super cute!!!

Bobby had fun scaring the kids with his portal gun
We left Patrick's house, around 8:15 (our parking was expiring... damn you non free parking Vancouver!). We got home around 8:30 and we chilled for a bit. I put Kiwi and Chaos in their costumes and it was their turn for treats!

My pretty in pink and purple ballerinas enjoying cat treats!!!
We headed out again around 9:30 to a bar on Granville for adult Halloween fun. I was pretty exhausted by this time. We went to a lower key bar and had a few drinks and wings...

All in all, super great fun! Looks like Halloween 2013 was a great success! Huge thank you to Patrick, Jenn and their kids for letting us overtake their domain ;) Only 364 days left for Bobby to complete his 2014 Halloween costume masterpieces!

My now toothless pumpkin!

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