Tuesday 25 March 2014

First day on the commute

Day 346

Now that we live in suburbia, I have two options to get to work. The first option is to take the West Coast Express (the commuter train that runs from Mission to Downtown). The second option is to catch a ride with Bobby.

Now, it may seem that the obvious choice is to carpool... however, I start work at 830 and Bobby starts work at 7... I checked the train schedules and I would have to take the 710 so as to not be late to work and in order to catch that train, I would need to leave my house around 640 to catch a bus to the train station... Well Bobby leaves home at 630. So leaving just 10 minutes earlier means I can get a ride and save money since I won't need to buy a train pass. The only issue is that I would be an hour early for work. Which isn't a huge deal. I can eat breakfast... and go on the internet... and blog ;) if I can get organized enough maybe I can find a Pilates class nearby or something....

Anyway, good morning and happy Tuesday!! :)

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