Monday 24 March 2014

Some progress...

Day 345

Good morning! I took the day off today because I figured I would need an extra day to unpack and organize.. and I do. Yesterday, I unpacked all of our kitchen dishes and cooking stuff and small appliances, etc. Today's agenda was to organize my desk/make up area, my closet and more kitchen stuff (this time tackling the pantry).

I couldn't sleep last night. I have not been eating very well (read: on schedule) because we have been busy unpacking and finding things so I was quite nauseous last night. I think I fell asleep around 1:00am.. Then I woke up at 4:30am or so because my nose was super runny. I have really bad allergies.. and I forgot to take an antihistamine yesterday... Ugh...

Anyway, so I got out of bed around 5:30. I figured I would just unpack while I had the energy and then I would take a nap when I got tired hehe.

So I organized my make up area (still a work in progress) and my closet (also a work in progress because Bobby is going to build me a custom walk in closet for my 30th birthday). Here's some pics of how the place is looking now:

I have clothes to pick through again. I actually had to fold a lot of tops and put them in the drawers because I don't have enough hangers...
Shoes not being in used and some accessories on top of the dresser
Extra purses in the basket and an empty round bin... 
A kitchen one can finally cook in!
Of course the empty boxes had to go somewhere... so here they are in the neon green room. They will be moved to our storage unit soon because we have friends moving soon and I offered to store these boxes until they do

Bobby's been busy too!
He got his computer set up and his room sort of sorted through and cleaned out
And he got the TV up and the internet going! 
My plan today is to meet our building manager to get a bike room key so we can move our bikes.. and to maybe hit up the mall to return something.. to do some laundry... and to nap ;)

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