Tuesday 25 November 2014

Heated floor is back

Ever since Little Miss Kiwi no longer had to share a wheel with another hedgehog, she's slimmed down A LOT. I guess I never realized how much Chaos hogged the wheel - no wonder Chaos was so much skinnier! Anyway, Kiwi has officially lost all her baby fat (it only took her two years haha). I actually miss her being a fatty.. but the bigger issue is that when the temperature drops, Kiwi starts to freeze her little butt off. 

So.. Bobby re-installed her heater under her hut. Bobby installed this heater last year for Chaos but we had some issues. This year, things seem to be working out fine - still monitoring Kiwi like a hawk, but she seems okay.

I check in on Kiwi every morning to make sure she is okay - one time, I found her cold because she slept under her wheel (seriously, Kiwi?!?!?), but for the most part, she's been sleeping in her hut and keeping warm at night. This morning, she was actually out and about around 6:45am.

Hi Kiskis!!
One last random note: We have a weather sensor thing in our house which tells you the temperature inside the apartment and outside. There's a little sensor thing you are supposed to put outside. This thing was really useful because Bobby put it right next to the door so you could check to see how cold it was/will be, if it will rain, etc. Long story short, Bobby decided to put the sensor in Kiwi's cage so we could monitor her temperature (you can see the little sensor thing in front of Kiwi in the picture above). The funniest part of all is when it says there is a "13% chance of rain". Bad, Kiwi! You go relieve yourself elsewhere!! But to be honest, Kiwi actually has ignored the sensor and hasn't messed it up in any way, shape or form :)

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